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Blended Learning

This page provides links to some resources on blended learning - that is a learning solution created through a mixture of face-to-face and online learning delivered through a mix of media.

Articles in date order, most recent first.

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| 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |

Blended Learning and Animation

"elesson by Dr Massoud Hajsadr uses a blend of technology enhanced teaching material plus classroom-based activities to optimize the teaching/learning process for students at City of Sunderland College. His teaching materials comprise multimedia-rich webpages, which deliver all the main messages of planned lessons in accordance to uniform scheme of works".

Added: 03 January 2007
Reviewer's Note:
This site is a detailed description of an academic blended learning programme with lots of examples and illustrations provided.
You can find providers of blended learning solutions on Education and Training UK.


Blended learning: why everything old is new again - but better

"Blended learning is a powerful training solution that combines e-learning with a variety of other delivery methods for a superior learning experience. This article reveals what makes blended learning so powerful, and how to choose the right mix of delivery methods for the best blend of skill enhancement and sustainability to ensure a company's long-term competitive advantage." Caroline Gray, Learning Circuits, March 2006

Added: 29 March 2006
Reviewer's Note:
Caroline summarises: "The obvious advantage of the blended learning solution is that learning becomes a process, rather than an event. Blended learning puts training into the job environment, provides a forum for every learning style, includes reinforcement and coaching, and uses minimum effort and resources to gain maximum results."


Building a successful blended learning strategy

"There seems to be reluctance in transitioning instructor-led training (ILT) to a blended learning format. This may be due to resistance on the part of the organization or training department to change existing classroom session formats. Another reason I believe is more prevalent is not knowing how. " Michael McGinnis, L&TI Newsline, 23 June 2005

Added: 25 June 2005
Reviewer's Note:
The case study is an example of how their training department "made a very successful transition prior to knowing what blended learning meant".


Blended Learning and Blended Learning in Practice

Updated: 21 March 2005
Reviewer's Note:
2 whitepapers from Epic Group PLC free to download


Brewing the perfect blend

"Today, 3Com is moving toward a blended learning approach that provides solutions to internal and external sales people, 500 partners and 350 end users. O'Brien and her team examine what each training initiative requires rather than what would be the flashiest solution. Before they determine the delivery method, they consider the content, the audience, how fast the training needs to get to the audience, length of shelf life, budget constraints and available experts." Gail Johnson,, January 2004

Added: 10 January 2004
Reviewer's Note:
A couple of case studies on delivering blended learning. Only available to Training Mag subscribers.


Blended Learning and business change

"Over the past few years, training professionals have become more pragmatic in their approach to technology-based media by using it to augment traditional forms of training delivery, such as classroom instruction and text-based materials. This trend has led to the rise of the term "blended learning." The term has come to mean different things to different people. IDC defines blended learning programs in the corporate training world as any possible combination of a wide range of learning delivery media designed to solve specific business problems." Michael Brennan, Chief Learning Officer Magazine, January 2004

Added: 10 January 2004
Reviewer's Note:
"This study, as well as other IDC research, has demonstrated that as learning's recognition as an enabler of other business processes increases, it will be better integrated into daily work."
Also see Making the Business Case for e-learning in Kineo Tips.


On the twelfth day of Christmas

"12 ways of blending your learning for the festive period" Tony Probert, Dot World, December 2003

Added: 20 December 2003
Reviewer's Note:
This is a great example of what blended learning is all about - using the most appropriate medium/format for each part of a learning solution


Four blended learning blunders and how to avoid them

"Blended learning can be a powerful strategy for businesses who want to build employees' skills. It can also be a recipe for disaster. If you or someone you know is responsible for ensuring a successful blended learning strategy, read on." Mark W Brodsky, Learning Circuits, November 2003

Added: 21 November 2003
Reviewer's Note:
"This article highlights four of the most troublesome blended e-learning blunders and suggests ways to avoid them."


Managing the synchronous blend

"It seems as though everyone is talking about building the right blend. Unfortunately, achieving the right blend requires work-not words. Applying instructional design at the front end and dedicating enough time to facilitate the blend at the backend is critical to success." Jennifer Hofmann, Learning Circuits, October 2003

Added: 24 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
"This article is Part 4 in a series outlining factors that influence the success of online learners."


Strategic versus doctrinaire blending: a goals oriented approach to channel selection

A presentation by Don Morrison. This version of the presentation has been rendered as Notes pages.

Added: 16 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Originally presented at Strategy and Practice in Blended Learning, London, 10 September 2003


Blended learning: what works?

"Our research finds that blended learning programs are perhaps the highest impact, lowest cost way to drive major corporate initiatives. Companies have discovered unique and powerful methodologies for selecting the "right media" to solve a given business problem. " Josh Bersin,

Added: 25 August 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Another version of Josh's article below: What works in blended learning?


Strategies for building blended learning

"At a recent conference, a practitioner was overheard saying, "I can see why blending makes sense. But what do I put with what? We have a hundred instructors and e-learning modules. If I put them together, is that a blend? What is a blend and how do I make it work in an organization that prefers a quick fix?" Those questions and more are tackled here." Allison Rossett, Felicia Douglis, and Rebecca V. Frazee, Learning Circuits, July 2003

Added: 3 August 2003
Reviewer's Note:
What it takes to blend


What works in blended learning?

"Blended learning is the latest buzzword in corporate training. It sounds so simple: mix e-learning with other types of training delivery. But questions persist. What are the best ways to blend delivery types? When do you blend? What blends work best with what? And the $million question: Will the term blended learning replace e-learning? Bersin & Associates set out to understand these issues. In 2002 and 2003, it conducted a study of more than 30 corporate blended learning programs to understand what works." Josh Bersin, Learning Circuits, July 2003

Added: 3 August 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Some interesting findings from this research which will help those thinking about creating blended learning solutions.


The search for the holy recipe

"I'll come clean. I hate the term 'blended learning'. I'm not alone. A number of people including several e-learning luminaries have shared their dirty little secret with me. I can't help reading 'blended learning' as 'we can't make up our mind learning'. We're not sure which type of learning to use so we'll use lots and hope that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Now some people are saying that 2003 will see 'blended learning' gave way to 'blurred learning'. Yeah, right..." Don Morrison, April 2003

Added: 10 May 2003
Reviewer's Note:
The concept of blended learning, which is so simple, seems to have been causing such confusion.


Blended Learning Best Practices Survey

Results of a survey conducted at the ELearning Guild website

Added: 17 March 2003
Reviewer's Note:
You now have to pay for access to eLearning Guild materials


What works

"Can any course be moved online? Should it? A survey of six experienced e-learning training professionals reveals that certain content is more effective if delivered through e-learning, while other content is more suitable for classroom instruction. Findings show that both delivery methods can successfully coexist to compose an effective and efficient training system." Ioulia Khitrykh and Eric Nelson, Learning Circuits, January 2003

Added: 24 January 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Compares best practice at 6 organisations to held demonstrate what works online


Blended learning models

"The term blended learning is used to describe a solution that combines several different delivery methods, such as collaboration software, Web-based courses, EPSS, and knowledge management practices. Blended learning also is used to describe learning that mixes various event-based activities, including face-to-face classrooms, live e-learning, and self-paced learning. Unfortunately, there's no single formula that guarantees learning, but here are some guidelines from NIIT on how to order your learning activities." Purnima Valiathan

Added: 15 August 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A number of examples of different blended learning models and how you might build a total solution for them using both technology and non-technology based techniques


Blended training: pre-requisites and purple monkeys

"Thinking of offering a blended training solution that includes an online prerequisite for a more technical instructor-led course? Why not? The concept of blending online and instructor-led training is very much in vogue. Do it right, and you can save time, resources, and money. Do it wrong, and you're flirting with disaster." Sean Brooks, Learning Circuits, June 2002

Added: 24 June 2002
Reviewer's Note:
"Blending online and instructor-led training by using prerequisites is a great step in that direction. It puts learners on an even playing field in a short amount of time. But it's not a simple answer: It requires careful thought and collaboration between all involved."


A proven model for the design of blended learning

"The model is intended to help guide you and your team through the process of blended learning design. By virtue of its checks and balances, a successful outcome is virtually assured. Accompanying the model is a list of sections for an instructional design document, which -- as it is developed and fine-tuned -- provides a vital discussion document and focal point for all parties involved in the project." Frank J Troha, Blended Learning Group of New York April 2002.

Added: 13 April 2002
Reviewer's Note:
"The First of Its Kind Model for the Design of Blended Learning"


Introduction to hybrid courses

Carla Garnham and Robert Kaleta, Learning Technology Center, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. March 2002

Added: March 2002
Reviewer's Note:
One college's approach to creating a hybrid or blended course.


Use Blended Learning to Increase Learner Engagement and Reduce Training Costs

"Blending online learning methods with classroom training makes training sessions shorter and allows your learners to take the training wherever they go. Some relatively simple techniques can help you convert courses to blended delivery" Steve Semler, Learning Safari Newsletter, April 2001

Added: 14 February 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A practical guide to building blended learning


The Node's Guide to Blended Learning: Getting the most out of your classroom and the Internet

"The Node's Guide to Blended Learning is for you if: you are uncertain what blended learning is and unsure about its potential for you and your students; you have not tried to integrate Internet resources and tools into your teaching, but would like to; you have used the Internet in your courses but have been dissatisfied with the results." theNode

Added: 26 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Comes in two parts: a print manual and a password protected website


Achieving success with blended learning

"This paper shares cutting-edge research and thinking on blended learning as it explores: What is blended learning? Why blend? How do you blend? Where does one start?" White Paper by Harvi Singh and Chris Reed, Centra

Added: 19 September 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Have this white paper sent to you by email.


Blended Learning eConference

"These event recordings from the Blended Learning eConference were created using the record and playback features of Centra's products." July 2001

Added: 3 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
If you missed the conference live, you can listen to the recorded sessions


Blending: Experts Weigh in on Incorporating E-learning into Training

"We're all for a blended or hybrid approach. There are a lot of factors that go into making it work. Some things that we at Elf have discovered are that synchronous applications are far cheaper than putting something out on the Web and, fundamentally, CBT and CD-ROMs have the same developmental process as WBT." The New Corporate University Review, February 2001

Added: 1 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
A number of experts views on how to blend


Blended learning: an old friend gets a new name

"One of the next new terms to dazzle us in technology-enhanced education is "blended learning." What is it, is it really so new, and how can we recognize it within our own association - or, if it is the direction where you want to grow your technology-enhanced educational options, this article will provide a lens through which you can see blended learning growth opportunities." Judith M Smith, Greater Washington Society of Association Executives

Added: 18 July 2001
Reviewer's Note:
This article defines blended learning and also gives an example of its use


Blending information and instruction

"In his book, E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age, Marc Rosenberg, identifies "information" as being an equally important part of learning as "instruction". In this article, I analyze some practical implementations of systems that blend these two aspects of learning-a concept that seems to be catching on with many LMS vendors these days."Maish Nichani, elearningpost, 9 July 2001

Added: 9 July 2001
Reviewer's Note:
This article concurs with my own view that information is as important as instruction, and shows how a blended, or integrated learning solution is the answer.


New training methods offer personalized e-learning

"E-learning programs continue to evolve as they grow out of infancy. The future direction of e-learning has been defined as "blended learning," according to many company executives. E-learning system providers, such as Centra and Mentergy, have found that their customers are blending multiple training practices to provide a fuller, more beneficial training experience for their employees. For example, a student may take a segment of a course through self-paced e-learning and then attend a classroom session for the latter part of the course." Lori Mitchell, InfoWorld, April 2001.

Added: 9 July 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Provides some guidance on how to create a blended learning solution


eLearning in Practice: Blended solutions in practice

A whitepaper by IDC to download from Mentergy website.

Added: May 2001
Reviewer's Note:


Blended Learning Case Study

"Recipe for blended learning: Start with a few online tutorials, add one synchronous event and a pinch of discussion forums for flavor, and stir." Jennifer Hofmann, Learning Circuits, April 2001.

Added: April 2001
Reviewer's Note:


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