Library Item
The Library Item section contains links to selected and reviewed articles, white papers, research reports, journal articles and resource collections in the wide field of e-learning.
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Library Item Contents
- General
- Corporate e-Learning
- Academic e-Learning
- Trends and Technologies
- Preparing for e-Learning
- Building e-Learning Solutions
- Understanding and Selecting e-Learning tools
- Using e-Learning Tools
- Delivering e-Learning
- News, Blogs, Magazines and Podcasts
- What is e-learning? Resources on e-learning to help you understand what it is and its potential in education and training.
- Europe and e-Learning Articles about e-learning in Europe.
- Glossaries e-learning glossaries and FAQ pages.
- e-Learning resource websites Collections of materials on e-learning or listings of e-learning sites or e-learning related content.
- Learning and the future of learning Resources on the future of learning as well as the future role of the trainer and learning developer.
- State of the e-learning marketplace Resources (reports and articles) concerned with the state of the e-Learning marketplace.
- Predictions for e-learning Predictions about what could happen in the e-learning space over the next few years.
- e-Learning quotations Quotations relevant to e-learning and learning in general.
- Distance, open and lifelong learning General resources that look at the concepts of distance, open and lifelong learning.
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Corporate e-Learning
- e-Learning in the Workplace Reports and articles looking at e-learning within the corporate environment. These articles in fact cover a broad view of e-learning, i.e. corporate communications, knowledge management, etc.
- Corporate Universities Reports and articles looking at the the use of corporate universities and corporate learning portals within organisations.
- Professional associations and networks Professional associations and networks.
- Organisational e-learning case studies Case studies of the use of e-learning within organisations: corporate and governmental.
- Learning and the future of learning Reports and articles looking at the use of e-learning for professional development as well as CPD (continuing professional development) generally and within specific professions.
- e-Learning for Professional Development Resources (reports and articles) concerned with the state of the e-Learning marketplace.
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Academic e-Learning
- e-Learning in Further and Higher Education Articles that look at online teaching and learning with particular emphasis on the FE and HE environments.
- Academic e-learning organisations Academic agencies, university research centres, projects, as well as other academic e-learning initiatives.
- Academic Case Studies Case studies on the use of e-learning in Further and Higher Education.
- e-Learning for Professional Development Reports and articles looking at the use of e-learning for professional development as well as CPD (continuing professional development) generally and within specific professions.
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Trends and Technologies
- Blended Learning Resources on blended learning - that is a learning solution created through a mixture of face-to-face and online learning delivered through a mix of media
- Blogging and RSS Resources about blogging and RSS - their general use as well as their use in educational contexts as well as the concept of moblogging (using your mobile phone to post to your blogs).
- Collaborative learning Resources that take a look at collaboration in e-learning and social networks.
- e-Books and e-Textbooks Resources about e-books and e-textbooks and the part they can play in education and training.
- e-Portfolios Articles that discuss e-Portfolios.
- Games-based learning resources on games-based learning - that is using games as part of a learning solution.
- Informal learning Resources that look at the importance of informal learning.
- Instant Messaging (IM) and chat Resources that take a look at the importance of instant messaging, chat and other live interactions for learning.
- Learning communities/Communities of practice Resources that look at the importance of Learning Communities and Communities of Practice in e-learning.
- Learning Portals Resources looking at the different types of learning portals, enterprise and learning portals as well as external learning portals that aggregate and host content.
- Live e-Learning Resources on live e-learning - that's a scheduled e-learning session that takes place virtually in a live meeting or virtual classroom tool - as well as how to run a live event.
- Mobile and Wireless Learning Resources (including links to projects) on mobile learning (or m-learning) as well as wireless learning.
- Open source learning Resources that look at the topic of open content and open source learning.
- Peer-to-peer (p2p) learning Resources that take a look at p2p software in general as well as their use for peer-to-peer learning activities.
- Personal Knowledge Management Resources looking at the phenomenon known as personal knowledge management.
- Podcasting Resources looking at podcasting and its use in education, training and generally.
- Rapid e-Learning Resources on rapid learning, that is learning solutions that are created quickly and easily.
- Simulations, Demonstrations and Screencasting General resources on the use of demonstrations, screencasting and simulations in learning.
- Social applications General resources on social applications - social bookmarking, social networking, etc.
- Streaming e-Learning/Webcasting Resources on the use of streaming media in e-learning to create educational and training webcasts.
- Video blogging (or vlogging) about videoblogging or vlogging for short.
- Wikis Resources that take a look at the use of wikis for e-learning.
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Preparing for e-Learning
- Are you ready for e-learning? General resources to help you see if you are organisationally ready for e-Learning.
- Building an e-learning strategy General resources on getting started in terms of understanding what is required of an e-learning initiative and devising the strategy.
- Drop out rates / Keeping learners online e-learning glossaries and FAQ pages.
- Infrastructure, broadband and hosting Resources that deal with the issues surrounding building an appropriate e-learning infrastructure.
- Promoting e-Learning Resources that consider the issues of promoting your e-learning activities, gaining buy-in from employees as well as maintaining their interest in e-learning.
- The Training Department Resources that look at the role of the training department.
- Costs, benefits and ROI of e-learning Resources that look at the costs (set up, development, delivery etc), the benefits of introducing e-learning and at the return on investment (ROI).
- A learning culture Resources that are primarily concerned with creating a learning organisation and a learning culture within an organisation.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning Resources that look at how to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning.
- Planning and managing an e-learning project Resources on planning and managing an e-learning project.
- Working with vendors Resources on how to work with vendors including how to write a 'Request for Proposal'.
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Building e-Learning Solutions
- Accessible e-learning Resources on accessible e-learning, with particular emphasis on its accessibility to people with disabilities.
- Buying e-learning Resources that offer ideas about how to select off-the-shelf e-learning products.
- Designing e-learning Resources that are concerned with designing e-learning solutions - both formal and informal, synchronous and asynchronous. They also discuss issues like instructional design, usability, learnability to enjoy-ability.
- Learning objects and standards Resources that deal with the concepts of learning objects and learning standards.
- Localisation of learning Resources that are concerned with the localisation of global e-learning solutions.
- Copyright and intellectual property rights Resources that consider the issues of copyright and IPR (intellectual property rights) when creating e-learning solutions.
- Digital Rights Management Resources on digital rights management (DRM).
- Testing and assessment online Resources that look at the role of testing and assessment of learners.
- Web Design Resources that deal with general style and web design guidelines when creating e-learning solutions for the Web.
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Understanding and Selecting e-Learning tools
- Understanding Authoring/Content development tools Resources that give guidance on selecting both web authoring and course authoring tools.
- Learning Management Systems (LMS) Resources that give guidance on choosing a LMS (Learning Management System).
- Collaborative learning tools Resources that give guidance on selecting collaboration and peer-to-peer tools.
- Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) Resources on what a content management system (CMS) is and how to choose one, and what the difference is between a CMS and a LCMS (learning content management system).
- Course Management Systems (CMS) / Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) VLEs are now in commonplace in Further and Higher Education. These resources explain what VLEs are and how to use them.
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Using e-Learning Tools
- Using Adobe / Macromedia Products Resources that provide you with more information about Adobe/Macromedia: reviews, tutorials and other materials on how to use them.
- Using Microsoft Products Resources that provide you with more information about using Microsoft products: reviews, tutorials and other materials on how to use them.
- Using VLEs: Blackboard / WebCT, Moodle Resources that provide you with more information about VLEs: reviews, tutorials and other materials on how to use them.
- Using other e-learning tools: Resources that provide you with information about Bloglines,, Google, Groove, Hot Potatoes, Skype
- Using Email Resources that provide you with more information about using email, in particular Microsoft Outlook: reviews, tutorials and other materials on how to use them.
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Delivering e-Learning
- Facilitating online learning Resources concerned with facilitating online discussions and online learning in general.
- Instructor perceptions of e-Learning Resources that look at what instructors think about e-Learning.
- Learner perceptions of e-learning Resources that look at what learners think about e-learning.
- Learning Styles Resources that look at the role of learning styles in the design of e-learning solutions.
- What it is to be an online learner Resources that take a look at what it is to be an online learner - from both a learner and tutor perspective.
- What it is to be an online teacher Resources that are primarily concerned with the issues involved in teaching online.
- Supporting e-Learning Resources that deal with the different types of support services that need to be put in place to support distance learning and e-learning initiatives.
- Using interactive whiteboards Resources on interactive whiteboards and how to use them.
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News, Blogs, Magazines and Podcasts
- Blogs and podcasts in e-learning Resources on blogs and podcasts in the area of e-learning and learning in general.
- e-Learning newsletters, news services, sources and feeds Resources to help you keep up to date with what's happening in the area of e-learning.
- e-Learning Journals and Magazines Links to journals and magazines publishing in the area of e-learning and the use of technology in teaching and learning - for both academic and workplace e-learning.
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