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Distance, Open and Lifelong Learning

This page provides links to some general resources that look at the concepts of distance, open and lifelong learning.

Articles in date order, most recent first.

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| 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |

"We feature hundreds of degree programs across numerous accredited online and traditional schools. Best of all, most of our degrees are designed for working professionals so you can continue in your current career while you attend school".

Added: 09 February 2007
Reviewer's Note:
US Based company with links to well known e-learning programmes.


Lifelong Learning

"Your independent voice for lifelong learning"

Updated: 20 September 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Government-supported website for the encouragement, promotion and development of lifelong learning


Distance Learning

"Providing resources and guidance on Online degree education and distance learning, learning and training, schools college and university"

Added: 28 April 2004
Reviewer's Note:
A new but growing site about distance learning


Web-based distance education: pedagogy, epistemology and instructional design

"Web-based learning and teaching is a rapidly growing area in education. Traditional forms of distance education are being transformed as the Internet becomes the new medium for communication. Web-based course delivery can offer a vibrant learning environment created through different teaching strategies, activities, and technologies. This paper briefly outlines some of the literature relevant to this new educational milieu providing insight into constructivist epistemology, situated learning, cognitive apprenticeship, and instructional design of web-based learning." Jeff Boulton, Graduate Student, Educational Communications and Technology, University of Saskatchewan, February 2002

Added: 4 September 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Summary - "This paper has attempted to address the theoretical underpinnings of virtual learning, as well as strategies for designing online instruction and issues surrounding this form of education. Understanding this new educational milieu will help instructional designers, and educators in the struggle to create and deliver successful inclusive online courses.


What's wrong with distance learning?

"The fundamental issue here-what's really wrong with distance learning-is a flaw inherent to many design situations: well-intentioned managers and designers so totally fall in love with designing and building that they get disconnected from those who are stuck trying to use their stuff." Reinhard Ziegler, e-Learning Magazine, 1 December 2002

Added: 11 January 2003
Reviewer's Note:
"Learning design must focus on the experience, not just the content. The point isn't simply what's being cooked up, or how it's delivered, but how it tastes.


Open and Distance Learning: Trends, policy and strategy considerations

"The present paper aims to review open and distance learning in the context of present challenges and opportunities, decribe relevant concepts and contributions, outline some significant current global and regional trends, suggest policy and strategy considerations and identify UNESCO's initiatives in this area ..." UNESCO, 2002

Added: 3 January 2003
Reviewer's Note:
A thorough analysis of 96 pages


The Learning Citizen

"Learning today is no longer confined to institutions such as schools, colleges, companies and training centres. New technologies and tools offer all members of society greater flexibility, easier access to information and the opportunity to match learning to their specific needs and circumstances."

Added: 18 May 2002
Reviewer's Note:
The Learning Citizen is an initiative sponsored by the European Commission with the specific objective of facilitating and enhancing lifelong learning for all members of society


Knowledge management: from lifelong employment to lifelong learning

"Lifelong learning is a direct response to the decline in lifelong employment. The age of lifelong employment was reflected by gradual change and a formal education for a fixed period that, by and large, lasted you through your career." Gerry McGovern, 6 May 2002

Added: 10 May 2002
Reviewer's Note:
"The organization can offer a new set of promises to the knowledge worker"


Covering the field of distance education since 1995.

Updated: 27 April 2002
Reviewer's Note:
New design of their site launched


Distance Education

"Can we debunk some of the myths?" Robert Aucoin, Distance Education Coordinator, ATL, University of Alberta, Canada

Added: 16 January 2002
Reviewer's Note:
The beginning and end slides of this PowerPoint presentation are particularly useful


Avoiding the quality/quantity trade-off in distance education

"The promises of distance education to provide high-quality educational pro-grams that can be undertaken anywhere and at any time are not new. Similar promises were made early in the 20th century by correspondence study programs. These programs failed to realize their promises because they were confronted by a fundamental trade-off between quality - personalized education - and quantity - the widespread communication of the message to large numbers of students. When higher education confronted this trade-off, they opted to choose the quantity model. That choice eventually led to a widespread dissatisfaction with the quality of correspondence education." THE Journal, December 2001

Added: 7 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:


Perspectives on lifelong learning: the view from a distance

"This study explores the factors related to using distance learning to meet the continuing education needs of professionals in knowledge related fields. College programs and accreditation are discussed, as well as the needs for individual credentials, increasing knowledge, and personal development" Judith L Forbes, first Monday, November 2000

Added: 21 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Distance education facilitates lifelong learning


An introduction to open and distance learning

The concept of open and distance learning, Open and distance learning systems, Glossary of open and distance learning terms" The Commonwealth of Learning

Added: 30 July 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Also available as a pdf file


An Identikit picture of a lifelong learner

"I am often asked to describe the characteristics of a lifelong learner. After one of my off-the-cuff answers, I invariably realise that I have omitted something that I should have included. So, I thought it would be useful to write down my description so that I can produce it on demand, as if by magic, from my inside pocket." Peter Honey, May 2001

Added: 16 July 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Peter Honey describes a lifelong learner


Individual learning accounts

"Individual Learning Accounts are a new way to help you pay for your learning. Backed by the Government, and supported by learning providers, trade unions and employers, Individual Learning Accounts offer a package of discounts that make it easier for you to get into learning."

Added: 27 June 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Find out about the government initiative to help learners pay for their learning


Lifelong Learning

"the leading web site for the encouragement, promotion and development of lifelong learning. Lifelong Learning is supported by the Access to Learning for Adults Division of the Department for Education and Skills."

Added: 23 June 2001
Reviewer's Note:
The government's site on lifelong learning with links to lots of different types of lifelong learning resources


Developing countries turn to distance learning

"It is hard enough for developing nations to build new brick-and-mortar universities to keep up with population growth, let alone with expanding enrollment. So in Beijing, Jakarta, and elsewhere, governments are ordering their large state-run distance-learning institutions to take up part of the slack by increasing enrollments fast." Burton Bollag, Chronicle of Higher Education, June 2001

Added: June 2001
Reviewer's Note:


About distance learning

Distance learning resources from

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


"The web's number one resource for information on distance learning".

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


Distance Education at a Glance

A series of Guides produced by Engineering Outreach at the University of Idaho

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


Distance Education Clearinghouse

from University of Wisconsin

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


Distance Learning on the Net

"celebrates 5 years of bringing descriptions of distance education web sites, along with links to lead you to further Distance Learning and education resources."

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


Making open and distance learning work

An overview essay with a Hypertext Appendix Success factors in materials-based learning. (1999) Professor Derek Rowntree, Open University.

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


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