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e-Learning in Europe

This page provides links to articles about e-learning in Europe.

Articles in date order, most recent first.

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| 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |

European Unified Approach for Lifelong Learning

The aim of EU4ALL is to improve the efficiency and efficacy of implementing and developing an open service architecture for Accessible Lifelong Learning

Added: 21 December 2007
Reviewer's Note:


Obstacles to small business usage of elearning in Europe

"Currently 80 million EU citizens are low-skilled. By 2010 it is estimated that half of all additional new jobs on the labour market will require tertiary education and almost 40% upper secondary level. Logically, the job prospects for the low skilled will decline. So we are currently confronted with the situation where half the EU workforce (some 100 people) require upskilling. This in my view cannot take place in the back to the classroom scenario, Learning and upskilling must be integrated in the workplace." Colin McCullough, webpronews, 2 August 2005

Added: 2 August 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Colin concludes: "I am afraid that my article raises more questions that provides answers to the issues of elearning in SME's. But if such issues are not addressed at all levels - European, national and regional, the promise of elearning as a driver of economic growth and performance in Europe could easily turn into a myth."


IST Results

"In July 2005 IST Results, an online news service established on behalf of the European Commission's DG Information Society and Media, put its editorial focus on e-Learning and featured a number of successful research projects presenting cutting-edge technologies and innovations in this area. The IST Results service aims at promoting the outcomes and developments of RTD projects funded by the Information Society Technologies (IST) research initiative

Added: 22 July 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Also includes an RSS feed


"the purpose of the portal is "to act as a virtual meeting place and directory of information for all aspects of e-learning. The young and the old, the expert and the novice are invited to use the portal to explore the world of e-learning and to gain access to the considerable work that is already going on throughout Europe"

Added: 10 February 2003
Reviewer's Note:
"The portal will attempt to create a setting for discussion to support the vibrant European e-learning community



"PROACTe is a service to communicate work funded by the European Union under the Education Area of the Information Society (IS) Programme."

Added: !7 December 2002
Reviewer's Note:
"For the projects, PROACTe will provide online access to resources for developing promotional activities, a database of important media contacts, and other players in education technology and discussion forums."


Ergo: European Research Gateways On-Line

"ERGO is an initiative of the European Commission working with National Research and Development (R&D) Information Providers with the aim of promoting awareness about R&D projects from European Union states and other associated countries."

Added: 17 December 2002
Reviewer's Note:
"Your one-stop shop for European R&D project information."


European eLearning Market Report

"Aiming to realise what is actually happening in the EU e-learning industry rather than what we believe, the 2002 survey includes EFTA (European Free Trade Area) and future EU member countries. It covers a wide variety of organisations involved in training - users and suppliers as well as those in the public and the private sector - and is completely independent and impartial." Authors: Jane Massey and Alphametrics

Added: 12 December 2002
Reviewer's Note:
£250/€395. Available from elearningage.


Quality and eLearning in Europe

"This summary highlights some of the findings from the recent European survey on quality and eLearning. The full report with comprehensive results and further details on responses from different countries and from different job types in training is published by Bizmedia - full details at Jane Massey

Added: 25 September 2002
Reviewer's Note:
The full report costs £125 or 195 euros


Online Learning Europe

"Covering topics related to e-learning, training and knowledge in Europe."

Added: 22 August 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A new blog that carries news about e-learning in Europe. Sponsor of the site is VNU Learning, an affiliate of VNU Business Media


eLearning: designing tomorrow's education

"In launching the initiative 'eLearning: Designing tomorrow's education', with its corresponding Action Plan for 2001-2004, the Commission has laid the foundations for concrete and sustainable action, through a set of specific measures. Measures which serve to co-ordinate the various e-learning activities of Europe and propel us towards the knowledge-based economy and the vision set in Lisbon."

Added: 25 April 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Also available in other European languages from Documents page


E-deficit in UK

"Spring sunshine lifts the spirits and imagination, but the plethora of e-learning conferences, reports and surveys suddenly arriving on my desk brings home a note of reality. Why is e-learning perceived to be taking root more slowly in the UK and across Europe than in the US or Canada?" Geraldine Kenney-Wallace, Guardian, 16 April 2002

Added: 20 April 2002
Reviewer's Note:
"There is no one-size-fits-all for e-learning, and perhaps we should be looking at evolution rather than revolution in going forward."


The European e-learning provider market in Europe

"markets, customers, service enterprises and trends in Europe and eleven regional partial markets" High Text Verlag, 5 February 2002

Added: 2 March 2002
Reviewer's Note:
report with 185 pages, 110 charts to purchase or license for corporate use


What is the extent of elearning in Europe?

"This survey, commissioned by Cedefop, represents the first major attempt to assess the current extent of eLearning* within vocational and professional education and training in Europe. By completing this short survey you will be making a significant contribution to the understanding and measurement of the eLearning market. Once completed, all respondents may receive a summary of the survey results."

Added: 29 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Contribute to this survey


Has e-learning truly arrived in Europe?

"Is there any evidence to suggest the success and size of the e-learning market in Europe? And how does this compare with the USA?" Patrick Dunn, Training Journal, October 2001

Added: 11 October 2001
Reviewer's Note:
The current state of play in Europe


eLearning: Designing tomorrow's education

"The eLearning initiative of the European Commission seeks to mobilise the educational and cultural communities, as well as the economic and social players in Europe, in order to speed up changes in the education and training systems for Europe's move to a knowledge-based society. The eLearning initiative of the European Commission seeks to mobilise the educational and cultural communities, as well as the economic and social players in Europe, in order to speed up changes in the education and training systems for Europe's move to a knowledge-based society.

Added: 20 July 2001
Reviewer's Note:
The European Commission's approach to e-learning in Europe



European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training "The European agency that helps policy-makers and practitioners of the European Commission, the Member States and social partner organisations across Europe make informed choices about vocational training policy."

Added: 2001
Reviewer's Note:


Electronic Training Village

"(ETV) is an interactive website where you can participate by sending news, taking part in virtual conferences, exchanging information, registering in mailing lists, if you are involved in any aspect of vocational training".

Added: 20 July 2001
Reviewer's Note:
You will need to register to access this resource


Thinking outside the States

"Europe's no lady-in-waiting for e-learning. Evidence is mounting that forces may converge to catapult it to world-leader status." Samantha Chapnick, Learning Circuits, December 2000

Added: December 2000
Reviewer's Note:


E-Learning's global migration

"Overseas markets are the new frontier for U.S.-based e-learning firms, who are using a variety of means to establish roots on international soil. But homegrown competition is on the rise. Tom Barron, Learning Circuits, September 2000

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


How digital learning differs in Europe

"It's a different world over in the EU--right down to the terminology. A look at Europe's unique take on e-learning--and advice for Yankees seeking business there" Jane Massey, Learning Circuits, March 2000

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


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