e-Learning for Professional Development
This page provides links to reports and articles looking at the use of e-learning for professional development as well as CPD (continuing professional development) generally and within specific professions:
Articles in date order, most recent first.
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General Resources
E-learning as a driver for Continuing Professional Development
"Implicit in the question is the assumption that CPD needs a driver - a mechanism or a system that will somehow provide the means to establish it as the major paradigm for lifelong learning." Jim Flood, COROUS. First appeared in Training Zone
Added: 3 May 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Conclusion - "we need to answer with an unequivocal Yes, and take responsibility for making it so.
CPD and e-learning - a natural progression
"For some professionals - especially those working outside of the main cities - satisfying increasing CPD requirements can be of real concern." PARN (Professional Associations Research Network)
Added: 12 November 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Some interesting and useful articles in this pdf file
RightTrack™ is designed for organizations looking to streamline the way they create, deliver and manage the training process. RightTrack™ allows you to deliver programs to the right audience, anytime, anywhere
Added: 21 December 2007
Reviewer's Note:
Legal Profession
"Traditional classroom learning is all very well but when you need your lawyers to be up to speed yesterday, e-learning can offer a more flexible approach to training. David Adams and Kevin Bell look at the pros and cons." Legal Week, 7 June 2004
Added: 7 October 2004
Reviewer's Note:
A study of e-learning at Clifford Chance, a firm of lawyers in the UK
Starting with the basics: KM for lawyers
"Lawyers can now select from a growing number of technologies that help them serve clients and enhance their own skills. Firms are developing enterprise architectures and content management systems that pave the way for knowledge management, while e-learning and high-tech courtroom training allow lawyers to boost their expertise in specialty areas of the law and in using computer technology to present their cases." Judith Lamont, KM World, September 2002, Vol 11 Issue 8
Added: 23 August 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Some case studies of companies using KM/e-learning techniques
Law firms increasingly choose e-learning to solve technology training challenges
"Faced with the daunting prospect of training busy employees to use new or upgraded software programs, legal firms are increasingly choosing a new option: e-Learning courses." Kenneth E Leeser, LLRX.com1 October 2001
Added: 17 November 2001
Reviewer's Note:
The use of e-learning for CPD in legal profession in the US
"eLearning ... is, particularly for law firms, not simply a useful delivery medium but, in time, will, in time, be a potent mechanism for crystallizing and leveraging their rich and coveted knowledge" Robin Fry, 2Ends Ltd
Added: 10 November 2001
Reviewer's Note:
This article demonstrates how e-learning can be a useful tool for law firms
Teaching Profession
"Virtually Perfect" ILT Staff Development
"This case study outlines the various models Henley College have adopted when delivering the in-house created Teaching and Learning Online course and the impact this has had on teaching and learning." Peter Travis. @ FERL, 5 January 2005
Added: 11 January 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Staff development training using WebCT
Blended collaborative learning: online teaching of online educators
"Blended Collaborative Learning is essentially a tutor-led distance learning method that blends available face-to-face and online techniques on a foundation framework of facilitated asynchronous conferencing. Blended Collaborative Learning actively encourages the modern form of 'communities of practice' and permits dispersed individuals to contribute and gain from this kind of group involvement." Gerard Prendergast, Abacus Learning Systems, In GlobalEducator, April 2004
Added: 18 June 2004
Reviewer's Note:
"Good online educator training should make educators feel confident to deliver effective online training.
Practical instruments for teachers in Higher Education for using ICT in education
"The reason for the project Digital Didactics that started in October 2002, is, among others, the national inventory study of the use of ICT in Dutch Higher Education (Veen a.o., 1999). This inventory study identified some bottlenecks in the introduction and use of ICT in education: teachers have to make a move to new education, but they lack time; teachers lack insight in ICT development; teachers lack ICT capacities." George Baars, Lisette Bakalis, Maarten van de Ven and Syliva Walsarie Wolff
Added: 1 November 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Professi0nal development in the Netherlands
Removing barriers to professional development
"Professional development in education has been described as an organized effort to change teachers with the expected result of improving their teaching practice and student learning (Angelo 2001; Guskey 1986). Unfortunately, professional development initiatives have been criticized for their failure to produce significant changes in either teaching practice or student learning. Most recently, this criticism has been extended to education technology initiatives." Lynn Feist, THE Journal, June 2003
Added: 10 July 2003
Reviewer's Note:
"Although the findings aren't surprising, the information gained from participants has been instrumental in creating a model for bridging course development and professional development through a five-stage process."
"Anytime, anywhere learning meets professional development" Lottie L Joiner, electronic school, January 2002
Added: 26 January 2002
Reviewer's Note:
online professional development for teachers
Adult Technology Learning: Creating learning cultures with Just-in-Time support
"The best way to win widespread use of new technologies is to provide just-in-time support . . . assistance and encouragement when needed. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now!" Jamie McKenzie. 1998
Added: 26 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Article is now rather old but still of value
"There is a critical need for large-scale staff and professional development in the UK Higher Education sector, as identified by the Dearing report and others." Colin Milligan, Heriott-Watt University, 1999
Added: 7 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Although an "old" document now - still relevant and valuable
Reaching the reluctant teacher
"Even as schools are busily filling classrooms with computers, a large percentage of teachers remain reluctant and skeptical. Unfortunately, much of the technology professional development of the past two decades was designed by technology enthusiasts with little empathy for reluctants. They have failed to convert reluctance into enthusiasm. They have failed to address the very real concerns of reluctants." Jamie McKenzie, From Now On, 1999
Added: 22 November 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Some ways to reach the reluctant teacher
Can web-based collaboration reform education
"This article examines the connection between engaging in Web-based collaboration and subsequent future professional practices. We believe that pre-service teachers would benefit from participating in Web-based professional collaboration, which in turn would lead to more student-centered and more innovative instruction." Technos Quarterly, Vol 10, No 3, Fall 2001
Added: 11 November 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Developing future teachers to use the technology is key
Medical profession
General Practitioners and Online Continuing Professional Education: Projected Understandings
"Continuing professional education seems to be particularly suited to the online environment with opportunities to communicate anywhere anytime. This appears to be convenient and time efficient for the busy working professional. The views of practising professionals were sought and form the basis of this paper. Primary care physicians at two locations, who actively pursue continuing education, discuss the role of information technology in their daily professional practice and give their views about online education. This professional group is a good example of how a particular interaction style is significant to the collective cultural mores of a group." Brace-Govan, J., & Gabbott, M. (2004). General Practitioners and Online Continuing Professional Education: Projected Understandings. Educational Technology & Society, 7 (1), 51-62.
Added: 1 November 2004
Reviewer's Note:
The paper concludes that these group preferences need to be taken into account when designing continuing education and some suggestions are made for design.