Are you Ready for e-Learning?
This page provides links to a number of general resources to help you see if you are organisationally ready for e-learning.
Articles in date order, most recent first.
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Skilling up - learning about e-learning
"E-learning provides some exciting new possibilities for the training department, but to really take advantage of these will, in most cases, require a radical review of available competencies and an up-skilling programme aimed at the principle job roles of e-learning manager, developer and e-tutor. In this article, Clive Shepherd looks at the skills needed to make e-learning a success, at the issues involved in bringing these skills in-house, and at the opportunities currently available in the UK for training in e-learning skills." Tactix, April 2002
Added: 6 April 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A list of the internal competencies and skills you need to begin an e-learning project.
Is your organisation ready for e-learning?
Use this checklist to find out. FutureU
Added: 19 July 2001
Reviewer's Note:
A good list of questions that will help you consider whether your organisation is ready for e-learning
"An e-learning needs assessment is designed to answer these questions: Can we do this? If we can do this, how the heck are we going to? What are the outcomes and how do we measure them? Here's a model that can help with one part of the assessment process--determining your e-learning readiness." By Samantha Chapnick, Learning Circuits, November 2000.
Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:
Article includes an e-Learning Readiness Model
Is your organisation ready for e-learning?
Seven key questions you need to answer. Michelle C Minton, Communication Project Magazine, Vol 3.1 Summer 2000.
Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note: