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Using Adobe / Macromedia Products

This page provides links to reports and articles looking at the use of e-learning for professional development as well as CPD (continuing professional development) generally and within specific professions:

Articles in date order, most recent first.

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| 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |


Making PDF Documents fly

"But, you say you already have static PDF documents and you want to be able to reuse them? Don't despair; there is an even better way to bring your PDF documents to life." Gabrielle Dara Kim, 2003

Added: 8 March 2004
Reviewer's Note:
A whitepaper from Integration New Media


How to create Adobe PDF ebooks

"A step-by-step guide that covers the basics of creating and optimizing the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files so that they can be viewed as electronic books (ebooks)."

Added: 12 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
A guide to creating ebooks with Adobe Acrobat.


Optimize Adobe PDF files for Palm OS devices

"You can read any Adobe® PDF document on a Palm OS® device by simply dragging the file into the Adobe Acrobat Reader for Palm OS application window. But if you want to optimize the PDF file for the best possible display on a handheld device, combine the power of Adobe Acrobat® 5 with Microsoft® Office 2000 or later."

Added: 2 September 2001
Reviewer's Note:
An Adobe Tip for creating pdf files with Palms in mind


Is it paper? Or is it pdf?

"Eugene Westlake wants his school district to "get out of the paper business," and he thinks he's found a way to do that." Lottie Joiner, electronic school, August 2001

Added: 28 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
How a school is solving its document delivery problem


How to create Adobe pdf files for e-books

"Discover the advantages of delivering all your electronic documents in eBookOptimised Adobe PDF.  This booklet is your guide to creating and optimising Adobe PDF files for online distribution" (99 pages)

Added: 25 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:



An overview of Authorware 7 - and its evolution

"It seems as if Authorware has been around almost as long as the e-Learning field itself, and for nearly that long, industry gossip has been that the then-current version of Authorware would be the last. But after thirteen years, Authorware is still going strong. Read this article to learn why you shouldn't bet the farm on Version 7.0 being the end of the line!" Joseph Ganci, eLearning Developers Journal, 22 September 2003

Added: 23 September 2003
Reviewer's Note:
You will need to subscribe to the eLearning Guild to be able to access this article from the eLearning Developers Journal.


Authorware Ring

"The Author's Ring: everything you ever wanted to know about Authorware (and more...). Authorware is a multimedia software design language from the makers of Director, Macromedia. This ring is intended for beginners, who want to know what Authorware is and what you can do with it, and everyone else who wants to know what's happening around Authorware."

Added: 31 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
A collection of Authorware sites - just follow them round



Lessons Learned from a former Breeze Newbie

"In 2004, Macromedia began offering a free trial of Macromedia Breeze Live, and I began to explore how to reach those interested in the growing field of equipment simulation. In one month's time, I used Breeze Live in a variety of interactive presentations and meetings. In this article, I summarize what I have learned from being a presenter, using Breeze Live, RoboDemo, and Flash." Jonathan Kaye, Macromedia Developer Center

Added: 10 July 004
Reviewer's Note:
Jonathan says "I also wrote this article to provide something to you that I wish I had found before starting my experiences with these tools. First, I give an overview of how I used the tools together. Then, I summarize tips for planning on delivering presentations with Breeze Live. Lastly, I present an interactive movie, a video, and a checklist to help presenters and participants with using Breeze Live.


Creating and publishing a Breeze presentation


Added: 1 April 2004
Reviewer's Note:
Reviewer's Note:A presentation by Kimberly Roelands, Macromedia, which explains how to create and publish a Breeze presentation


Creating a course with Macromedia Breeze training


Added: 1 April 2004
Reviewer's Note:
A presentation about how to use Breeze Training.


Breeze Live: A new era in virtual classrooms

"Breeze is different than most other products in this category in that it's tightly integrated with a deployment and management environment that can be used by SMEs." Chris Howard, Bersin & Associates, July 2003.

Added: 1 April 2004
Reviewer's Note:
What makes Breeze Live different from other e-learning tools


The four types of e-learning: when you should use PowerPoint or rapid e-learning tools

"We have found through our research and work with many clients that learning applications fall into four major categories."  Josh Bersin, May 2003

Added: 25 June 2003
Reviewer's Note:
A good overview of how PowerPoint and Breeze can support e-learning development



A quick look at Macromedia Captivate

"While PowerPoint® has been the communication tool of choice for most subject matter experts (SMEs), most agree that it's not a premier e-learning tool. On the other hand, Flash is great as an e-learning development tool, but it requires talented and experienced Flash developers. Clearly, the market needs tools that combine the advantages of these PowerPoint® and Flash-and be easy to use. Enter Macromedia Captivate." Paul Clothier, Learning Circuits, February 2005

Added: 12 February 2005
Reviewer's Note:
"Although Captivate is marketed as a tool for creating interactive simulations and software demonstrations, it's actually much more powerful. For instance, you can use it to convert PowerPoint® to Flash, as well as create tests and assessments. Its other capabilities include voice-over narration, audio editing, menu/navigation development, and animated text. Consider it your Flash Swiss-Army knife.


Creating a Captivate Movie

"Creating Captivate movies involves much more than simply doing a screen capture and "adding stuff here and there". Whether it is demonstrating a software technique, a product demonstration, quiz, or tutorial, the key to success is that old business adage: "Plan your work, work your plan." Tom Green, Community Mx

Added: 12 February 2005
Reviewer's Note:
This 3-part series is an excerpt from Tom Green's Captivate Visual QuickStart Guide. Published by peachPit Press.


Dreamweaver and Coursebuilder

Coursebuilder for Dreamweaver

"This book deals specifically with the CourseBuilder extension, and the Learning Site command. It is intended for graphic designers, Web designers as well as programmers. The book contains 15 chapters, and several appendices. The accompanying CD-ROM contains templates for the projects, as well as learning objectives and design constraints for the major projects. There are also extra projects and sources files."

Added: 29 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
A useful book to help you with understanding CourseBuilder


Dreamweaver 3, 4 and Ultradev


Added: 29 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Reviewer's Note: Online courses for PCs and Macs available from Macromedia University


Dreamweaver Viewlets


Added: 2 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Reviewer's Note: If you need some help with using Dreamweaver,  try these Viewlets


Learning Dreamweaver 4


Added: 31 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Reviewer's Note: A free web-based course from Training


Macromedia Dreamweaver

A Workshop from Illinois Online Network

Added: 20 July 2001
Reviewer's Note:


Intro to Coursebuilder

"Macromedia's Web development tool Dreamweaver is already popular for building e-courses. WBT developers can increase Dreamweaver's functionality by using Coursebuilder, a free add-on tool geared at building interactivity. Here's a brief look at how to use Coursebuilder to add interactivity to your Web courses." Garin Hess, Learning Circuits, May 2001.

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:



Flash Alley

"Flashvalley offers Flash components for creating E-learning activities and Flash tutorials."

Added: 14 April 2006
Reviewer's Note:
Also Flash tutorials and games


Using Flash to build m-learning

"As the result of personal digital assistants (PDAs) becoming more and more popular, many organizations are looking to use these devices to deliver training. Moreover, some mobile telephones are now equipped with technology that could make them possible delivery systems as well. Here's how you can use Macromedia Flash to create e-learning applications for PDAs." Garin Hess and Steven Hancock, Learning Circuits, February 2005

Added: 12 February 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Garin and Steven are authors of Using Flash MX to Create e-Learning from Rapid Intake Press.


Using Macromedia Flash MX 2004 as an e-learning authoring environment

"With all the major browsers now packaging Macromedia Flash player as part of the default installation, Flash content on the Web has become almost as commonplace as HTML pages. A growing number of Websites mix Flash and HTML to add animation, sound, and video to what used to be static or only moderately interactive pages. Let's take a look at some of the reasons Flash makes a great e-learning authoring tool."  Garin Hess and Steven Hancock, Learning Circuits, July 2004

Added: 10 July 2004
Reviewer's Note:
The authors point out that one of the most compelling reasons to use Flash as an authoring environment is its cross-browser compatibility


Macromedia Flash MX Tutorial 

From the Macromedia Flash Support Center

Added: 24 June 2004
Reviewer's Note:
PDF to download


Flash Tutorial

"Flash is a tool for creating interactive and animated Web sites! In our Flash tutorial you will learn how to start using Flash in your applications."

Reviewer's Note:
Added: 12 December 2003


Tutorial: e-Learning with Flash MX 2004

"The latest version of Flash MX has been specifically designed for the instructional designer or subject matter expert who has no experience with Flash or with ActionScript. Here is a fast tutorial that will introduce you to the main features so that you can start using this tool in your e-Learning projects right away!" Paul Clothier, eLearning Developers Journal, December 2003

Added: 3 December 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Reviewers Note: You will need to subscribe to the eLearning Guild to access this article


How to build simulations with Flash MX

"The objective of training is to shape learners into proficient or master performers, such as towards the goal of operating a device properly, negotiating a sale, coordinating a team, or performing other tasks and procedures.  Effective training involves equipping learners with foundational knowledge and operational skills relevant to all the situations in which they are expected to perform."  A white e-paper by Jonathan Kaye, David Castillo, and Emily Castillo

Added: 29 October 2002
Reviewer's Note:
"You can find more examples, code, and information about our upcoming book, Flash MX for Interactive Simulation, at the book's web site, FlashSim is also a repository for online resources, books, and discussion centered


Macromedia Flash MX: Serious instructional authoring tool?

"Let me get my biases out on the table quickly. I'm an instructional technology consultant who looks for robust, yet practical, solutions to organizational and personal learning needs for my clients, my students, and myself. I like tools that are good for the long run, good for the people involved, and don't require an advanced degree in quantum physics to use and maintain. In fact, I think learning solutions should enable us to put our energy and resources into learning, rather than authoring. That's asking a lot, so I'm pretty careful about what I recommend to clients and students."  Patti Shank

Added: 3 October 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Includes a lot of useful e-learning examples


"'s objective is to share the coolest Flash content on the web with our visitors. Our team of Flazoomers are dedicated Flash Fanatics who are on top of the latest and greatest Flash sites from around the world. Once a new flash site has been identified, we post a blurb about that site to the home page. With an ever growing team of Flazoomers, our home page is quickly becoming the place to find the newest and coolest Flash."

Added: 18 September 2002
Reviewer's Note:
For those of you who want to see good and clever Flash sites


Macromedia Flash MX and XML

"This issues looks at how we can use XML and Flash MX to represent the user interface and the sequence of content, not the content itself.  The project demonstrates how to build a small "shell" application in Flash MX that will be able to work for many projects without the need to recompile anything." Greg Wygonik, eLearning Developers Journal, 23 July 2002

Added: 26 July 2002
Reviewer's Note:
If you are not already a member of the eLearning Guild, you will need to register (for free) to access this article)


Creating Learning Objects With Macromedia Flash MX

"Macromedia is committed to facilitating support for authoring Learning Components, or Objects, across key products used for learning. In this paper, the authors describe how instructional developers can use Macromedia Flash MX to design, develop, and share Learning Object files, movie clips, and other components. Macromedia has also created a set of digital assets to accompany the white paper."

Added: 13 May 2002
Reviewer's Note:
This is the first in a series of whitepapers.


Macromedia Flash Forum


Added: 10 May 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A place to discuss Flash


Using Macromedia Flash MX learning interactions

"Macromedia Flash MX learning interactions help you create interactive online instructional courses that run in Flash. Each individual Flash learning interaction can send tracking information to a server-side learning management system (LMS) that complies with the Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) protocol. Additionally, the quiz templates track cumulative results from a sequence of interactions and can pass them along to the LMS using an enhanced data tracking functionality that conforms to either AICC or Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) standards."  Barbara Nelson, 

Added: 10 May 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A 40-page document available in PDF versions for both Windows and Mac users


Flash MX Overview

"With Flash MX, a lot of the core features of Flash 5 have been refined, and it has also expanded into some interesting new territory. Its user interface is much improved to make all Flash users happier and more productive. And it has become an even more

Added: 7 March 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Support is available for the Nokia 9200 Communicator Series



"First aid manual for usable flash sites"

Added: 6 March 2002
Reviewer's Note:
shows designers how to create sites that are both cool to view and easy to use - tutorials, downloadable files, and Flash case studies


Getting started with Flash

"Learning Macromedia Flash is surprisingly easy-especially with a guided tour by MickeyLive. *Watch these short tutorial movies and you'll be off and running with Macromedia Flash in less than an hour."

Added: 11 February 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Short tutorials on how to use Flash


Flash usability

"Before you roll your eyes at the thought of reading about Flash, think about the possibilities of it putting money into your bank account. Let's put our negative thoughts and artistic principles aside and consider how many people out there think Flash is awesome.. If you don't want to do such work, then someone else will cash in on the opportunity." Meryl K Evans, Digital Web Magazine

Added: 8 February 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Design for a purpose




Added: 4 February 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Tutorials grouped in different sections: easy, medium, hard and advanced


Flash 4 and 5


Added: 29 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Flash online courses for PCs and Macs available from Macromedia University


Flash 5 Viewlets


Added: 2 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
If you need some help with using Flash 5  try these Viewlets


Learning Flash 5


Added: 31 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
A free web-based course from Training


0 - 60 In Flash

A 5-part Flash Tutorial from WDVL

Updated : 2001
Reviewer's Note:


Introduction to Flash 4 Tutorial

Mike Frew teaches you "how to animate in a Flash by running down what tools you need and then showing you how to use them."  Published at WebMonkey

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


Advanced Flash 4 Tutorial

"So you've mastered Michael's Intro to Flash 4 tutorial, and now you're hungering for more Flash know-how? Fear not - Michael is here to take you to the next level." Published at WebMonkey.

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


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