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Using Microsoft Products

This page provides links to a number of resources that provide you with more information about using Microsoft products: reviews and tutorials and other materials on how to use them:

Articles in date order, most recent first.

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| 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |


Using spreadsheets to keep track of student grades

"Spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel and Corel Quattro Pro can be used effectively to manage grade sheets.  Not only do they provide a safe (multiple backups) and clean (printouts) way of keeping grade records, they can also be used to automate complicated tasks from calculating averages to providing detailed statistical analyses of the class's performance.  This brief guide deals with the basic and most common tasks involved.  Basic familiarity with spreadsheets and productivity software in general is assumed." Richard Zach, Dept of Mathematics, UC Berkeley

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:



Chris's FrontPage Info Web

"Like most sophisticated computer applications, FrontPage has its shortcomings. I started keeping track of these, then decided to create a website documenting the trials and tribulations of working with FrontPage. When there was a problem I couldn't figure out, I usually turned to the FrontPage user's group (microsoft.public.frontpage.client), which, in my opinion, is probably the single best source of problem-solving information on FrontPage."

Added: 31 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Tutorials and tips and answers to questions


Learning FrontPage 2000

Added: 31 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
A free web-based course from


FrontPage World

"FrontPage World is the #1 Web site for all things Microsoft FrontPage, Web site design and Internet marketing.  Questions about FrontPage Templates, your Web site, HTML, e-commerce, ASP, affiliate marketing, Web templates or email marketing?"

Added: 30 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
A collection of FrontPage resources including Tips and Tricks


FrontPage 2000 In the Classroom

Online tutorial - or to print.  designed by act360 Media

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


Computer based testing, quizzing and surveying

"In this hands-on session, you will learn to easily create interactive forms for online testing and surveying without having to be a systems programmer" Written by Microsoft, and updated for use at Georgetown College

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


FrontPage 2000 Magic

"To really get the most out of FrontPage 2000, though, you have to know how to use some of its not-quite-intuitive features. For instance, you can work in two windows simultaneously, customize your menus, and create a password-protected site--but only if you know how to maximize FrontPage. CNET brings you these tips and tricks to help you use FrontPage 2000."

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


In and Out of the Classroom with FrontPage 98

A practical guide for teachers and administrators.  Written by Microsoft

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:



Creating an inexpensive PowerPoint online module

"The question I am most often asked is "How do you create your online training programs?" When I respond that all we use is PowerPoint, the most common reaction is a look of puzzlement or surprise. Those with the puzzled looks are amazed at the response, often anticipating some name of an expensive content development application or company that we outsource this to. Those with the surprised reaction are often looking down and wondering why are we so primitive."  Michael McGinnis, LTI Newsline, 21 July 2005

Added: 22 July 2005
Reviewer's Note:
The first article in the series


Drafting the PowerPoint presentation

"The following provides you with a step-by-step tutorial of how we build a typical technical or leadership training module using PowerPoint, version 2002." Michael McGinnis, LTI Newsline, 11 August 2005

Added: 13 August 2005
Reviewer's Note:
The second article in the series


Tips for presentations with movies

"Teachers as well as students often want to include movie clips and animations in digital presentations, using PowerPoint or other multimedia software. This article presents four different strategies which educators and students can adapt to include movies in their presentations." Wesley A Fryer,

Added: 7 January 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Including a video clip within a presentation can be powerful. If a picture can be worth a thousand words, a well-selected video clip can be worth a small book.


PowerPoint as an interactive multimedia lesson

"Technology integration can be used in the classroom to promote student involvement in their learning. By using a multimedia application such as PowerPoint, students can create group slideshows to achieve the benefits of the Constructivist learning theories." Cynthia Flores Gautreau,

Added: 19 July 2004
Reviewer's Note:
A very simple example of how to create an interactive lesson using PowerPoint


Presenters University

"Here you'll find lots of FREE stuff to put Wow! in all your presentations. Try free presentation software and download any of our many free PowerPoint templates or Corel masters. Read hundreds of articles from presentation experts, purchase the latest presentation books and even Ask the Professor your most perplexing presentation software questions."

Added: 6 July 2004
Reviewer's Note:
Website sponsored by InFocus


The basics of PowerPoint

"I am a firm believer in "less is more" when it comes to teaching PowerPoint. Although there are many different opinions on PowerPoint in the classroom, I believe it is a very useful classroom tool when used correctly. I stick to teaching the basics of PowerPoint."  Amy Galmaro, 1 April 2004,

Added: 17 June 2004
Reviewer's Note:
A simple step-by-step guide to using PowerPoint intended for teachers


New and networthy presentation apps

"But while programs like PowerPoint were created for the local desktop, a relatively new category of presentation products is aimed at users who want to deliver their content exclusively over the Web. The simplest of these tools let users post prerecorded, narrated PowerPoint slides over the Internet, while the more complex allow for live interactive meetings that incorporate video, audio, and other media." Jeffrey Branzburg,, 15 April 2004

Added: 28 April 2004
Reviewer's Note:
Includes a comparison of web presentation applications including prices


Presentation storyboarding - retrieve your inspiration

"A presentation without a storyboard is like a cart without a horse. You have no idea which direction whomsoever is going to pull the cart. And when you realize your mistake, it may be too late. And it is at this note that our storyboarding story unfolds..."  Geetesh Bajaj, Indezine

Added: 4 November 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Storyboarding for PowerPoint!


How to create and use an interactive PowerPoint Quiz Game

"This article describes a Jeopardy style interactive quiz game that can be developed using Microsoft PowerPoint software. There are several educational settings in which such a quiz could be beneficial to Extension educators" Barbara O'Neill, Journal of Extension, April 2003

Added: 12 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Step by step instructions on how to create a quiz in PowerPoint


Who wants to be a millionaire PowerPoint template

Updated: 12 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
A free template to download to create the game


Making PowerPoint interactive

"PowerPoint contains many useful features for adding interactivity to your presentations.  Obviously interactivity is rarely appropriate for a slide show presented by a speaker to an audience, but it can enhance and add interest to self running kiosk style presentations." Enterprising ICT Learning Strategies Project, Dept of Education, Tasmania

Added: 12 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Using VBA for PowerPoint


Powerpoint hints and tips

Updated: 12 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
tips and tutorials on getting the most out of PowerPoint


Tips for effective presentations: Using 4 important design concepts - Big, simple, clear, consistent

Columbia University

Added: 12 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Some useful pointers for educators, presenters and students


Quick PowerPoint tips


Added: 12 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Tips for fonts, colours, seating etc


Create PowerPoint presentations

"PowerPoint helps you put together visually compelling, well-organized presentations to print or view on screen as slide shows. This document walks you through the steps for creating PowerPoint presentations." University of Washington

Added: 12 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Contains a number of useful resources on using PowerPoint


PowerPoint graphics tutorial

"A tutorial to help you get your graphics just right in powerpoint. Avoid those massive file sizes by getting the pixel count just right."

Added: 12 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
"This tutorial guides you through how to get the best from bitmap graphics for "On-screen" or projected PowerPoint presentations."


The four types of e-learning: when you should use PowerPoint or rapid e-learning tools

"We have found through our research and work with many clients that learning applications fall into four major categories."

Added: 25 June 2003
Reviewer's Note:
A good overview of how PowerPoint and Breeze can support e-learning development


Of PowerPoint and pointlessness

"When one envisions the typical Microsoft PowerPoint user, the first image that comes to mind is usually a suit-clad yuppie crowing over a screen of bar charts. But if recent trends in elementary and secondary education hold their course, that stereotype could be changing."

Added: 5 September 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Another article on the value of PowerPoint in education



"A website devoted to comprehensive presentation knowledge"

Updated: 6 April 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Some useful resources available here.


PowerPoint Class

"Learn Microsoft PowerPoint for your academics' needs!" UMIST

Added: 23 February 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A series of short tutorials on using PowerPoint


PowerPoint 2000 tutorial

From Florida Gulf Coast University

Added: 8 February 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A comprehensive tutorial


Introduction to PowerPoint in the Classroom

From TRC, UC Davis

Added: 12 January 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A simple tutorial on how to use PowerPoint


Internet4Classrooms: Microsoft PowerPoint

Added: 29 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Some guidance on how to create a basic slide show, addition slide show, advanced tutorials, integration ideas and slide shows to download


PowerPoint Viewer 97 (2000 release) for PowerPoint 2000

"This download is for users who don't have PowerPoint; it allows them to open and view PowerPoint 2000 presentation. Also for users who do not have PowerPoint installed on their computers."

Added: 29 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
If your learners don't have PowerPoint on their PCs, they can use this viewer to see them



"Stumpers are learning tools using television game show formats in which participants assume the roll of contestants in a game show.  There is a game board to provide categories and "dollar" amounts are assigned to the trivia-type questions and answers.  Stumpers are usually done as a presentation with the presenter as the game show host." Mountain Area Health Education Center, Ashville, NC, USA

Added: 14 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
A very simple way to create a "gameshow" using PowerPoint.  You can even download the template if you want to create your own


PowerPoint 2000 Viewlets

Added: 2 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
If you need some help with using PowerPoint 2000 try these Viewlets


Creating online presentations

"Learn How To...Quickly create powerful presentations with Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2002; Add graphics and import files into your presentation slides; Easily deliver presentations to students and colleagues online; Record a narration of your presentation and save it as part of a Web file, available for others to view and hear at any later time; Deliver a real-time online broadcast and archive it for later."

Added: 25 November 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Download the tutorial and other resources



Flash and PowerPoint: Jazzing up Presos

Added: 12 October 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Some tutorials on how to integrate Flash within PowerPoint


Presenters University

"Brought to you by InFocus Corporation."

Added: 2 September 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Courses, free downloads (including templates) and Ask the Professor


Added: 2 September 2001

Reviewer's Note: some very simple - but effective free templates - as well as other resources
Reviewer's Note:


PowerPoint aninmation - help or entertainment

"Usually when artists are learning their craft, they use an excessive amount of strokes in their painting or drawing. Poets' juvenilia are littered with grandiose metaphors and forced rhyme. New PowerPoint users typically over-animate in the excitement that they can now do things that only Disney could only do before."

Added: 28 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Guidance on using animation in your presentations


Take PowerPoint presentations on the go with powerViewer

"Microsoft's PowerPoint software has become an essential business tool, allowing users in all fields to create attractive, content-rich presentations for viewing by co-workers, clients, staff, etc. Making those presentations mobile would offer even greater advantages. Well, now you can take your PowerPoint presentations on the road with you, right in your pocket." Jeffrey Greer, Palmpower Magazine Enterprise Edition, July 2001 

Added: 25 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
portability is the key


Powerpoint - creating classroom presentations

"Your students have just completed some terrific reports on cold-blooded animals or Native American culture or photosynthesis. You'd love to incorporate a technology component into the activity. You've never used graphics software, though, and you certainly don't have time to learn new software now! What's a technological newbie to do?" March 2000

Added: 25 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Intended for K12 teachers it also includes links to other relevant resources



Added: 25 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
A major resource of links related to PowerPoint


Scoring Power points

"Multimedia presentations may be compelling and persuasive. Or they may be glib and disappointing. In the worst case, students will devote more attention to special effects than they will spend on the issues being studied. Powerpointing can become a goal in itself - an unfortunate example of technology being done for technology's own sake. In the best case, the presentation enhances and communicates a larger and deeper body of work and thought." Jamie McKenzie, From Now On, Vol 10, No 1, September 2000

Added: 25 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Some good guidance on using PowerPoint


Powerpoint as a WBT/e-learning tool

"PowerPoint has migrated from its original use of support for a live presentation to that of an online training tool. Of course there are other (and better) tools than PowerPoint to create WBT/e-learning, but many PowerPoint users are finding that they can use this familiar tool to provide basic e-learning." TrainingZone

Added: 2001
Reviewer's Note:
For simple, basic educational presentations - you can use PowerPoint to great effect.


Creating a great presentation

Anne Scrivener Agee, Dept of Instructional Improvement and Instructional Technologies. 1998.

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:



Online Tutorial from TITLE Project 

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


Powerpoint 97 In the Classroom

Online Tutorial - or to print.  From Microsoft in partnership  with ACT360 Media

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:



Creating Streaming Media Presentations with Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

"On-demand, rich-media presentations are more popular than ever in today's business climate. Not only are these presentations visually compelling, they also help companies reduce extensive travel and training expenses. For a fraction of the cost of traditional meetings, you can deliver training and company presentations online and on demand, viewable by a browser from anywhere in the world." Patrice-Anne Rutledge, Smart Solutions, 2003

Added: 14 February 2004
Reviewer's Note:
Some general information about Producer as well as how guidance on how to create a streaming presentation


Using Microsoft producer: A guide for educators

"You don't have to be a digital media whiz to produce stunning presentations for the classroom. Microsoft® Producer, an all-in-one tool for turning ordinary slides, audio, video, and still images into impressive online presentations, makes it easy for your students to create and publish rich presentations."

Added: 14 February 2004
Reviewer's Note:
A 113 page guide to download


Producer 2003 Tutorials

"Play or download the following tutorials to learn how you can use some of the features of Producer 2003."

Added: 14 February 2004
Reviewer's Note:
These tutorials require Windows Media Player



Using Microsoft Word like a pro: Part 1

"The fact is, many teachers do not know how to use INTERMEDIATE level features supplied with Microsoft Word. However, when I demonstrate these features in the context of classroom documents, these same teachers become energized. They are surprised both that these capabilities are available and that they're easy to use to support student learning."  Daniel Lake,, 1 May 2004

Added: 4 May 2004
Reviewer's Note:
The first in a series showing how to use some simple Word features effectively


Using Microsoft Word like a pro: Part 2

"The rest of this article, Part Two of a series about Microsoft Word's intermediate features, will discuss why and how an English teacher might insert sounds into a document. Don't let this restrict your thinking, though, since ALL teachers deal with listening skills and the concepts discussed here." Daniel Lake,, 1 June 2004

Added: 3 June 2004
Reviewer's Note:
"We teach listening skills and measure the ability of students to read, write, LISTEN and SPEAK. It's time to consider how we support that teaching with the technology we have already in our hands."


Using Microsoft Word like a pro: Part 3

"Often, when we develop a handout for students, we want to tell them how to reach other supporting information that may not be included in the handout. This used to entail endnotes or a bibliography, which MIGHT send a student to a library to find resources for the additional information. Today, this often entails writing the URL - Uniform Resource Locator - or address of an Internet page containing that information. I have seen many teachers prepare and give printed handouts to students containing lists of URLs to support content to be studied." Daniel Lake,, 1 July 2004

Added: 6 July 2004
Reviewer's Note:
"More and more, teachers are now learning that they can cut and paste an Internet address into MS Word, and if they then follow it with a carriage return, it will turn (usually) blue. This makes it an ACTIVE HYPERLINK should a student view the document electronically. We now have a verb describing this process: hyperlinking. Knowing how easy this is, I prepared to write a short set of instructions for inserting such hyperlinks. But I suddenly found that there were many options for doing this,"


Using Microsoft Word like a pro: Part 4

"Though teachers may not yet be ready to edit hundreds of document using the features listed here, there are many excellent circumstances where these features can be applied. As more and more student work is word processed, and more and more electronic means of delivery are realized, these features will become useful to both students and teachers alike. Daniel Lake,, 1 August 2004

Added: 4 August 2004
Reviewer's Note:
"Learn how to use the Microsoft Word feature to Track Changes and the Tool Bar for more professional - and interactive - documents."


Using Microsoft Word like a pro: Part 5

"One of the nicer functions of Microsoft Word is the ability to create documents containing spaces for student input, whether the students need to input open-ended text, use a series of check boxes, or select from a drop-down list. Turning on a toolbar called "Forms" enables this ability." Daniel Lake, 1 September 2004

Added: 14 September 2004
Reviewer's Note:
"Learn how to use text fields, checkboxes, and drop-down menus from the Forms Toolbar to create more impressive documents."


Using Microsoft Word like a pro: Part 6

"One of the common functions of any word processor, and of Microsoft Word, is the ability to copy and paste material among various documents. The material may be text or graphics, taken from a second document or a web page. Whatever the circumstance, the facility to copy/paste is widely used and one of the first basic skills learned." Daniel Lake, 1 October 2004

Added: 5 October 2004
Reviewer's Note:
"The Paste Special and Insert/File functions of Word can make your life easier with very little effort needed to learn them."


Using Microsoft Word like a pro: Part 7

"One of the functions of MS Word that is often a "leader" into the world of Intermediate Word skills is the use of Tables. Primarily a formatting capability, the use of tables enables one to place items within organized boxes (cells) on a page. At its most complex, the use of tables allows one to design forms such as invoices, purchase orders, seating charts and many other administrative documents. Often this culminates in the creation of reusable templates, using forms functions, to allow one to fill in the form and submit it online or directly into a network-accessible database or even on your own hard drive. But this is a series of skills that create a daunting task to a teacher to learn all at once."  Daniel Lake, 1 December 2004

Added: 9 December 2004
Reviewer's Note:
"the tables skills are meant to be used in a variety of ways to format pages. Combining the skill of setting up these "cells" on a page with other capabilities within Word gives you the possibility of creating documents that look better and are quite functional if delivered electronically."


Creating web forms using Word 2000

Added: 9 February 2002
Reviewer's Note:
This handout from the Center for Teaching and Learning @ University of Illinois  explains how to set up web forms


Word in the classroom

"There are so many applications that teachers can do with their students using Microsoft Word. They can also use the program as a teaching tool for themselves. The links below represent tutorials to show you step by step how to use the many facets of the program. Project links show projects that you can use in your own classroom using this program. The other links buttons provides you with other sites about this robust program." Electric Teacher

Added: 9 February 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Tutorial and links for teachers


Word 2000 tutorial

From Florida Gulf Coast University

Added: 8 February 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A comprehensive tutorial


Word 2000 Viewlets

Added: 2 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
If you need some help with using Word 2000 try these Viewlets


Design Web Pages by Using Frames in Word 2000

"What are frames for? You can use frames to make certain content on your Web page visible at all times, such as a list of hyperlinks in a table of contents."  Written by Microsoft

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


Design Web Pages by Using Nested Tables in Word 200

"Do you need to make a Web page? In Word 2000 you can save any document you're working on as a Web page. And you can design your page with nested tables that are easy to make with the Draw Table tool." Written by Microsoft

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


In and Out of the Classroom with Word 97

In and Out of the Classroom with Microsoft Word 97 is a practical guide for teachers and administrators. Written by Microsoft

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:



Online Tutorial from TITLE Project

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:



Office Assistance Center


Added: 29 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Provides help with Working with documents, creating presentations, creating web pages and web sites, working with data etc


In and out of the classroom with Office 2000

This includes downloads for Word 2000, Excel 2000 and PowerPoint 2000 

Added: 14 December 2001
Reviewer's Note:


Office 2000: A Licence to Learn

From Microsoft in partnership  with ACT360 Media

Added: 2000
Reviewer's Note:


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