VLEs are now in commonplace in Further and Higher Education. These resources explain what VLEs are and how to use them.
Articles in date order, most recent first.
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| 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |
Course management systems v Learning management systems
"One question that vexes many e-learning specialists is, "What is the real difference between course management systems (CMSs), like WebCT and Blackboard, and learning management systems (LMSs), like NetDimensions EKP, Saba, and SumTotal?" Here's a description of what CMSs are and the issues that arise when using them, followed by a similar discussion of LMSs" Saul Carliner, Learning Circuits, November 2005
Added: 6 November 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Good description and explanations of these two types of systems
"The infoKit aims to enable tutors to make informed decisions, based on sound educational principles, about the use of technology in their teaching and their students' learning when using a VLE." JISCInfoNet, February 2005
Added: 4 May 2012
Reviewer's Note:
"The infoKit has been written as a series of sections comprising in-depth
resources and case studies drawn from both further and higher education
which emphasise the underpinning pedagogy in the use of e-learning."
You can also find info on using a VLE
in schools on this blog.
E-Learning: challenges to the neo-conservative model?
"If you're working in the learning technology arena and feel pretty satisfied that you've got things pretty well bedded down in your institutions, based on a good well established relationship with your VLE vendors, then you certainly don't want to read this." Derek Morrison, Auricle, 17 June 2004
Added: 17 June 2004
Reviewer's Note:
Another well-articulated posting on the Auricle blog that challenges
the fact that e-learning = having a VLE.
Different pedagogical uses of VLEs with different learner groups
"This case study reviews the impact of Blackboard on teaching and learning at Kingston College, and describes the development of a model for applying the VLE in different curriculum areas." Andrew Williams, ferl, 15 April 2004
Added: 3 June 2004
Reviewer's Note:
Conclusion: "A key outcome from the development of this model has been
a new approach to providing training in the use of Blackboard. We have
shifted the balance away from instruction on technical functions towards
guidance on pedagogic suitability of different features and applications.
Colleagues are encouraged to remove sections of their Blackboard course
that they do not intend to use, restrict the availability of functions
to those suitable for their learners' needs and consider the student
experience first before embarking on any online development work."
"This infoKit has been designed to offer a route through the lifecycle of creating an MLE. We recognise that this is an ongoing and iterative process so it is also designed to enable you to dip in to any section you wish. The approach taken does not suggest that there is 'the right and only' way to create your MLE, but offers advice, options and tools for you to use in your context." JISC infoNet, November 2003
Added: 5 May 2004
Reviewer's Note:
"This infoKit is a starting point for people across the sector to share
experiences and ideas and if you've tackled any of these issues we would
like to hear from you - contact us or join our discussion forum and
be part of a growing community of MLE developers."
Management systems for Higher Education institutions
"Over the past five years or so, Institutions of Higher Education have been increasingly keen to adopt various combinations of technically-advanced management systems to deal with the growing complexities of modern educational delivery." Graeme Daniel, wwwtools for Education
Added: 17 November 2003
Reviewer's Note:
You will need to register to access this article
Open Source Course Management Systems
Added: 24 October 2003
Reviewer's Note:
An extensive list of open source (ie free) course management systems)
produced by Scott Leslie, edtechpost/edutools
Report on Authoring Systems and Learning Management Systems
"This regularly updated report is an overview of authoring systems and learning management systems available in the UK." PeakDean Interactive Ltd, December 2002
Added: 7 April 2003
Reviewer's Note:
This report (116 pages) is available to download for free.
"This site was built to assist higher education in using a more rational decision making process to review the many options for a course management system. This site reviews each product by researching and describing more than 50 product features."
Updated: 1 October 2002
Reviewer's Note:
"This site, originally developed by British Columbia's Centre for Curriculum,
Transfer & Technology and Bruce Landon, provides the most complete
independently-reviewed analyses of selected course management software
Next-generation course management systems
"Course management systems could use some improvements - and we have some ideas" Colleen Carmean and Jeremy Haefner, Educause Quartery, Spring 2003
Added: 22 March 2003
Reviewer's Note:
A look at some features that should be incorporated in the future
"Projects as ambitious as creating your own learning management system can be completed relatively quickly, given good tools and a well-coordinated development team. Read how Berklee Media, a division of Berklee College of Music, built an online extension school and career center -- including an LMS -- on a six-month time-line using open source software"
Added: 11 February 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Case Study of how a music college created its own VLE
"These guides set out strategies for Oxford University to plan for implementing and supporting a VLE across the institution. The guides relate to activities supporting traditional teaching and learning within the university, and do not touch on the work of the Office for Online and Distance Learning. The guides are based on information provided by staff in other institutions about their experiences in setting up and supporting VLEs. Feedback has been collected from members of the Learning Technologies Group VLE Working Party."
Added: 29 January 2003
Reviewer's Note:
More than just selecting a VLE some of the important aspects in implementing
aVLE successfully
Focus on Virtual Learning Environments
"Virtual Learning Environments are increasingly becoming an important part of the strategy for delivering online and flexible learning. Many colleges already have VLEs in place, though relatively few are using them with large numbers of students. Some colleges are still trying to decide what VLE to purchase, using funds received from the NLN. This Focus Area is designed to help you make the right decisions with respect to buying, implementing and using a VLE. It draws on the experience of many people, with nearly 20 case studies from colleges experienced in using VLEs." ferl (Further Education Resources for Learning), becta
Added: 27 December 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A growing collection of VLE resources suitable for FE colleges
"This curriculum project brought together a number of practicing educationalists to undertake a study into VLEs. The outcome has been highly commendable. The group has made a valuable contribution to the FE sector by reviewing a number of the VLE platforms and exploring the wider organisational issues relating to their implementation." Alan Dummigan, Assistant Director, ICT, Belfast Institute
Added: 27 December 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A substantial amount of useful information here for institutions wishing
to introduce a VLE/MLE
The Handbook for Economics Lecturers: Virtual Learning Environments
By Ros O'Leary and Andy Ramsend. From ltsn Economics, September 2002
Added: 23 December 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Printable version available
"The JISC's MLE Information Pack contains much of the essential information for successful implementation of a programme to introduce MLEs and VLEs. In the main the briefing papers are written by experts from the community with direct experience of the issues involved. They are written with particular audiences in mind who are concerned with the issue being discussed and this is indicated on each paper"
Added: 27 December 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A very useful collection of briefing papers available as web pages or
PDF documents
Managed Learning Environments, joined up systems and the problems of organisational change
"This study aims to explore some of the inherent tensions in large complex educational organisations involved in implementing Managed Learning Environments (MLEs). This is because the scaling-up and integration required for MLE development in FE and HE necessarily throw these tensions into relief - in a sector where there are very few explicit approaches to, or models for, the management of organisational change." Jos Boyce, A JISC Report, March 2002
Added: 27 December 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Explores the effectiveness of different strategies within education
to deal with potential difficulties.
Using database software for "do-it-yourself" online homework assignments
"This paper presents some fundamental information about using easily obtained database software to build online homework exercises. The database software we have used in the General Chemistry Department at UW-Milwaukee is called Filemaker® Pro. It allows an ordinary PC or Mac to be a web server for this purpose. In conjunction with HTML editing software, course registration, homework, scores and other "bookkeeping" functions of college courses can be readily handled online, without the necessity to use any large web course software system (such as Web-CT or Blackboard.)" Thomas Holme, Teaching with Technology Today, Vol 9, No 2, 20 December 2002
Added: 26 December 2002
Reviewer's Note:
How to set up up a simple course management system using basic database
The Handbook for Economics Lecturers. Ros O'Leary and Andy Ramsden, Learning Technology Support Service, University of Bristol, September 2002
Added: 29 October 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Also available as a printable PDF
Campus portals: beyond the bulletin board
"Portals are taking college campuses by storm, unifying academic communities through their high level of customizability, scalability, and interactivity. Everyone-freshmen, faculty, staff, and alumni-now relies on the portal to both push and pull information. Offering enterprise level connectivity with a personal touch, portals have rapidly become one of those technologies no one can imagine having done without." Syllabus Magazine, July 2002
Added: 7 July 2002
Reviewer's Note:
An overview of a number of key campus portal software
Campus portals: future hope, past history, or more hype?
"Campus portals have the potential to connect an institution's constituents, both on campus and external, to appropriate campus resources through a highly personalized interface. But how close are colleges and universities to taking real advantage of portal technologies? Here, David Eisler provides an update on the progress and challenges of portals in higher education." Syllabus Magazine, July 2002
Added 7 July 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Some advice on campus portals from the Provost at Weber State University
Pricing Changes by Blackboard and WebCT Cost Some Colleges More -- Much More
"Some academic-technology officials say they're experiencing sticker shock over recent pricing changes by Blackboard and WebCT, two leading providers of course-management software. Colleges that until recently paid a few thousand dollars a year for the companies' products -- which help professors build course Web sites and handle administrative functions -- are now being asked to pay tens or even hundreds of thousands for the latest systems." Jeffrey R Young, Chronicle of Higher Education, March 2002
Added: 20 March 2002
Reviewer's Note:
This may well have a significant impact on e-learning within higher
A framework for pedagogical evaluation of virtual learning environments
"Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) are learning management software systems that synthesise the functionality of computer-mediated communications software (e-mail, bulletin boards, newsgroups etc) and on-line methods of delivering course materials (e.g. the WWW). To date, several different packages have appeared from both leading commercial vendors and university-based projects. Other systems are currently under development." Sandy Britain, Oleg Liber, University of Wales
Added: 26 January 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A comprehensive look at VLEs
Requirements for a virtual learning environment
"This document represents work in progress within the MLE Steering Group aimed at outlining the principal requirements for Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) to be used in the FE sector within the UK." August 2000
Added: 20 January 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Also includes some diagrams of VLE components
The role of Managed/Virtual Learning Environments in Higher Education
VLEs and WebCT. A Powerpoint presentation. Mark Cox and Flor Clark, KCL, 2000
Added: 20 January 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Examples, benefits and advantages of VMLEs
"A virtual learning environment is essentially a web site (or equivalent networked learning structure) that provides a number of basic functions deemed valuable in the learning process. Normally, a set of tools and navigation aids are provided, with the aim of placing any online educational materials into a clear, organised structure. Such an "environment" will provide students with easy access to course documents, lecture notes, online courseware, questionnaires and communication tools. SeSDL
Added: 20 January 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Also compares a VLE to a MLE
"The term VLE refers to an electronic environment in which learners and tutors participate in "on-line" interactions of various kinds, leading to on-line learning. This electronic environment can be delivered through multiple systems, or, increasingly, through a single system which offers a range of integrated teaching and delivery tools.." NLSF, UWE Bristol
Added: 20 January 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Answers a number of questions about VLEs
"A virtual learning environment (VLE) provides a convenient way to create online courses for either remote or local delivery that can be run as stand alone modules or in support of traditional teaching." Warwick University, ITS
Added: 20 January 2002
Reviewer's Note:
A brief explanation of VLEs
Added: 12 January 2002
Reviewer's Note:
The presentations given at an expert technology seminar from Becta
Building your own campus portal: advice from the field
"They came to San Diego from throughout academia -- provosts, CIOs, CTOs, librarians, heads of academic computing, IT systems analysts, Web designers and faculty -- to discuss the challenges and opportunities for creating a campus portal. By Arlene Krebs, Converge Magazine, November 2001
Added: 18 November 2001
Reviewer's Note:
Campus Portals are software systems that integrate academic and administrative
services - providing a unified campus