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Webcasting/Streaming Media Services

This page provides links to webcasting and streaming media service providers.

Articles in alphabetical order.

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"AMES was established to provide a cost effective communications vehicle to integrate every aspect of live or on demand events, including meetings, partner or customer events, eLearning training and employee or corporate communication. We can help deliver webcasts end-to-end drawing on years of communications and production experience."

Added: 23 September
Reviewer's Note:
Based in Berkshire in the UK and Florida in the US


"BrightTALK offers full webcasting, web conferencing, webinars, email marketing and web-portals services delivered via standard internet technologies by its highly skilled delivery teams.  We have the capability to tailor solutions to the individual requirements of our customers."

Updated: 23 September 2005
Reviewer's Note:
BrightTALK operates from its offices in central London


Gifford Video Productions Rich Media Services

"Webcasting company specializing in video and audio recording, video editing, and PowerPoint slide presentations for e-learning, and rich media applications. Our service includes Internet and CD content delivery."

Added: 29 March 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Company based near Boston in US



"Kidz Online provides state of the art live webcasting services. Businesses and consumers alike are embracing the Internet and the power of a broadband connection. Corporations and institutions can now have an efficient means of communicating to a global and targeted audience wherever they may be. Kidz Online can bring your corporate meetings to a whole new level."

Added: 23 September 2005
Reviewer's Note:
KidzONline are based in Herdon, VA in the USA


Online lectures

This site provide unique multimedia lectures in both medical and management. Samples are available on the website for free and subscriptions are allowed for much more.

Added: 22 November 2007
Reviewer's Note:


oxford digital video

"Fundamental tools for e-learning are video and web. oxford digital video offers advice demos and examples of video editing software and techniques, plus basic web design."

Added: 28 November 2003
Reviewer's Note:
Based in Thame in Oxfordshire in the UK


Persuaders TV

"At we are delivering DVD quality full screen video to anyone who has a broadband connection in quite a revolutionary way. Using Internet Congestion Breakthrough Technology we are streaming videos at any length with NO delay, and NO large costs for content delivery servers/ edge networks via Akamai etc. With an amazingly LOW transfer cost and NO infrastructure costs You will need Media player 10 installed on your machine, a broadband connection, and small safe downloaded codec to watch the files."

Added: 13 September 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Persuaders TV are based in the UK


Streamcity Video production

"Streamcity specialise in the design, development and production of video and other multimedia resources for online delivery"

Added: 20 May 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Company based in the UK


"Stream UK offers a comprehensive range of services designed to cater for each and every stage in the transmission of audio-visual data over the Internet."

Added: 15 August 2001
Reviewer's Note:
London-based company



"Tallboymedia, a London based Video production company, provide excellent corporate video production services."

Added: 13 December 2006
Reviewer's Note:
London-based company



"Whether webcasting a management announcement, AGM, conference or major event we will ensure that your webcast runs smoothly using our experienced project managers and technical consultants to take care of every detail."

Added: 24 September 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Based in London and Plymouth in the UK



"Unisfair offers premier solutions and turn-key services for hosting a wide range of online events, from single webcasts to web conferences and online expos."

Added: 23 September 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Based in New York in the US


Unique Media

"By using our web streaming services, our clients reduce the cost of their events, reach wider audiences and increase audience participation."

Added: 23 September 2005
Reviewer's Note:
Based in Bath in the UK


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