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This page provides links to articles that discuss e-Portfolios.

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e-portfolios in post-16 learning in the UK: developments, issues and opportunities

"A report prepared for the JISC e-Learning and Pedagogy strand of the JISC e-Learning Programme" Helen Beetham

Added: 22 June 2006
Reviewer's Note:
The present report provides a brief overview of current e-portfolio developments in relation to both the management of assessment evidence within programmes and the development of a repository of evidence of lifelong learning progress and achievement.


Electronic portfolios - what are they?

"An e-portfolio is a web-published collection of documents, information, link resources, audio and video clips that showcases the demonstrated abilities, know-how and skills of a specific person to her own selected stakeholders." Robin Good, 10 March 2006

Added: 10 March 2006
Reviewer's Note:
A good overview of what they are, what they contain and what their purpose is


Electronic portfolios and dimensions of learning

"I feel electronic portfolios will be how students create and store information. This technology will bring new ways for students to document their progress through the course of a year, and even throughout their entire educational journey." Frederick Conway, THE Journal, March 2005

Added: 17 March 2005
Reviewer's Note:
"Electronic portfolios will allow students to not only sharpen computer skills, but also give them a wider media to express their knowledge. Students are able to document knowledge through the traditional written text more powerfully by incorporating video clips, audio and animation. These new enhancements will challenge students to think more creatively and critically as they develop their portfolios. "


Students be heard: a look at e-Portfolios

"For students out there who may feel uncertain about how their degree programs will connect them to future employment - the electronic portfolio may come to the rescue! .In fact, the electronic portfolio, or e-Portfolio, is a digital space for students to collect, select and reflect on their best work - providing a nifty showcase of their skills. And it's online, accessible from anywhere in the wired universe." Bjorn Thomson and Alison Wong, The University of British Columbia, January 2005

Added: 27 January 2005
Reviewer's Note:
About UBC's campus-wide e-portfolio project



"Electronic portfolios (also referred to as eportfolios or webfolios) are gaining recognition as a valuable tool for learners, instructors, and academic organizations. Bold proclamations laud webfolios as "higher education's new "got to have it" tool - the show-and-tell platform of the millennium" (Cohen and Hibbitts, 2004), and as a tool that "may have the most significant effect on education since the introduction of formal schooling". Laying aside new-technology hype and enthusiasm, eportfolios can best be viewed as a reactionary response to fundamental shifts in learning, teaching, technology, and learner needs in a climate where learning is no longer perceived as confined to formal education." George Siemens, elearnspace, 16 December 2004

Added: 17 December 2004
Reviewer's Note:
A great overview of e-portfolios with lots of information and links


Beyond the Electronic Portfolio: A Lifetime Personal Web Space

"Rather than limit people to the e-portfolio model, why not develop a model providing a personal Web space for everyone, for their lifetimes and beyond?" Ellen R. Cohn and Bernard J. Hibbitts, Educause Quarterly, Vol 27 No 4, 2004

Added: 30 November 2004
Reviewer's Note:
The electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) is higher education's new "got to have it" tool-the show-and-tell platform of the millennium. What do the author wish for? That every citizen, at birth, will be granted a cradle-to-grave, lifetime personal Web space that will enable connections among personal, educational, social, and business systems.


Student e-Portfolios

"The last few years have seen an enormous growth of student and teacher interest in e-portfolios and the range of benefits they can bring. Student Jotter is an excellent system for developing a portfolio of work, and for safe social networking.

Reviewer's Note:
"An e-portfolio is an electronic format for learners to record their work, their achievements and their goals, to reflect on their learning, and to share and be supported in this. It enables learners to represent the information in different formats and to take the information with them as they move between institutions."


e-Portfolios - their uses and benefits

Added: 22 July 2004
Reviewer's Note:
The paper firstly examines reasons to use e-Portfolios and then discusses their versatility and applicability to the wider environment such as connecting to management information systems and assessment and awards services. The concluding section is a snapshot of the way that FD Learning software can work with different e-Portfolio contexts. These scenarios range from e-Portfolios as a record of achievements, to a tool for reflection and planning, through to use as evidence for assessment and evaluation of skills.


Creation of a learning landscape: weblogging and social networking in the context of e-portfolios

"The e-portfolio is for many a recognised tool employed for a multitude of purposes: employment; assessment; life-long learning; professional development; accreditation of prior learning. The number of institutions adopting some type of e-portfolio system has risen dramatically over the past two years. The e-portfolio is altering learning pedagogy and for some creating a truly learner-centric knowledge environment. ... This short report will explore one idea which could help address the problem of learner engagement creating a scenario where students want to use the system therefore be at the centre of the whole e-portfolio process and in turn, through engagement, benefit from the deep learning potential. David Tosh and Ben Wedmuller, The University of Edinburgh, 5 July 2004

Added: 17 July 2004
Reviewer's Note:
Using blogs as e-portfolio tools


The electronic Portfolio boom: what's it all about?

"The term "electronic portfolio," or "ePortfolio," is on everyone's lips. We often hear it associated with assessment, but also with accreditation, reflection, student resumes, and career tracking. It's as if this new tool is the answer to all the questions we didn't realize we were asking." Trent Batson, Syllabus Magazine, December 2002

Added: 12 December 2002
Reviewer's Note:
Explanation, how to do it and some tools to help


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